Wordmo - Japanese Vocabulary
Wordmo is an iOS application that helps you improve your Japanese vocabulary. Choose one of the available collections based on a topic you want to learn about, and have one word from it shown every day on your home screen widget or watch complication. Take small moments throughout your day to glance at the word and commit it to memory.
A new word every day.
Add a widget to your home screen.
Watch app available, with a complication to display daily words.
Privacy Policy
Wordmo uses RevenueCat to process In-App purchases, their privacy policy can be found here.
Some data, like your currently active collection is stored in iCloud, tied to your account. It is only used to sync your current progress in a collection across all of your iCloud enabled devices, and is not shared with anyone else.
If you use the contact form on this page to leave feedback about Wordmo, your name and e-mail address, as you provide them, are retained and only used to reply to your message. Privacy policy of the service used to process the contact form can be found here
© 2014 - 2024 Gregor Kerstein